Councillor Trevor Webb's Blog

Archive for the ‘Children’ Category

Engineers and electricians, not hairdressers and personal trainers.

The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph

Jamie Doward – The Telegraph 24th June 2012.

Interesting article in The Telegraph, move of the move towards vocational course to match education to the skills deficient.



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Jubilee Cream Tea at the St Nicholas Centre

Great photo of my friends Ron Cook who helps me with social media and political advice.  Ron works at the Fellowship of St Nicholas. (FSN) which does great work with Families and Children in my County Division of Central St Leonards and Gensing;

I am pleased to say I have represented this Division for 15 years.

Friday had the privilege of attending Cream Tea Jubilee which was very popular with Parents and Children of many backgrounds.

Play days

With  Nick Sangster: Big thanks to Nick and all the people who have made the Sea Front Play Areas Project come to life.  I am incredibly pleased by the way this work has come to fruition and would like to publicly thank everyone who contributed.

If you have not seen them, the play areas can be found on the prom and in my opinion look tremendous.  Check them out and tell me what you think?

Positive Futures Urban Games

Positive Futures Escc (find them on Facebook)

Urban Games Friday 8th June features top guest riders.

Urban Games

From their website: Positive Futures is the national youth crime prevention programme. Funded by the Home Office, the programme targets and supports 10-19 year olds to avoid them becoming drawn into crime, drug and alcohol misuse and helps them in moving forward with their lives.

Positive Futures gives young people the chance to develop the skills needed to get on a positive career path and take on roles as active and responsible citizens.

Managed by young people’s charity Catch22 the programme is delivered through 91 projects in some of the most deprived communities across England and Wales.  

Check them out at

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New play equipment Warriors Square.

New play equipment on prom at Warrior Square – part of council scheme for activity points along the seafront.  I am really pleased to see this project is nearing completion. Thanks to everyone involved in this and the other play areas coming soon.

I believe the political mood is changing

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 10:  Members of the Br...

LONDON, ENGLAND – APRIL 10: Members of the British Youth Council and Youth Parliament hold a live debate on the film set of ‘The Iron Lady’ at Wimbledon Studios, to debate the role of women in politics on April 10, 2012 in London, England. 150 young people from around the country joined the debate in a reconstruction of the House of Commons. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Maze Hill activist and campaigner, James Bacon, published this letter in The Observer. I thought what he had to say might be of interest to readers.

While it’s all to easy to ignore young people or write them off as video game and booze obsessed idiots, they are the future and we need to find ways to engage with them to offer them the opportunities to be part of the political process. Just because  a young person does not find committee meetings and formal meetings valuable does mean they should be ignored. Their views count and will continue to count. See what James has to say on the subject below.


I WOULD like to thank all the residents of Maze Hill who trusted in my passion for improving our ward and voted for me on May 4.  I must also thank my mum, dad, leafleters, canvassers and dedicated campaign co-ordinator Solomon Curtis for all of their hard work and support over the past nine months.

The enthusiasm and response I’ve received on the doorstep has been positive and productive and I look forward to discussing many of these current issues with my Labour colleagues on the borough council. I would also like congratulate and pray for all of the newly-elected councillors and the other candidates, especially my opponents, Sue Tate and the victor councillor Maureen Charlesworth.

Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in my attempt to represent the ward I live in and love. Nevertheless, with only 44 votes between myself and the incumbent councillor and with an 18.5 per cent swing I believe that the political mood is changing. I firmly believe that there is a need for a younger generation of political talent to take the mantel of civic representation.

Throughout the election it has been the young people who have inspired me the most. During my visits to local organisations, such as the Respond Academy and Phoenix Flyers, it is clear that these young people have the maturity and ideas to overcome any democratic crisis, but they must be nurtured and political education should be the key.

The Observer was right to purport that ‘the only way to engage today’s disenchanted youth is to give them a voice and show them how they can make a difference’. The youth are the future, the youth have the energy, and it is the youth who will make a difference.

Along with the BME community, it is my aim over the coming years is to engage politically with young people because they will be the providers for the future. If anyone has any ideas or would like to be involved please contact me on


Labour Party activist

Maze Hill ward

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