Councillor Trevor Webb's Blog

Posts tagged ‘East Sussex’

New play equipment Warriors Square.

New play equipment on prom at Warrior Square – part of council scheme for activity points along the seafront.  I am really pleased to see this project is nearing completion. Thanks to everyone involved in this and the other play areas coming soon.

Vote, vote, vote!

Residents in East Sussex are urged to use their vote in the County Council and European elections on Thursday 4 June 2009. Polling stations will be open on the day between 7am and 10pm. A full list of County Council election candidates can be found on the county council website at

It’s vital that Council tax payers have their say on how services are managed and money is spent. European elections are being held on the same day so here is a chance for voters to influence decision-making at both a local and European level. Results will be shown on an interactive map as they come in on Friday 5 June. All the information will be continuously updated throughout the day at .

Remember you vote is important, make it count!

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Borough of Hastings
Image via Wikipedia

I thought readers might be interested to know exactly what myself and the other Hastings and St Leonards Labour councillors have done so here’s a brief list of what we have done in the last few months.

One area of particular concern to me and other members of the group has been support for our BME residents and asylum seekers coming to this country to escape persecution and even death in their own country.

This list is not exhaustive, so contact me if you want more information


  1. forced the council to abandon plans to cut front line staff such as street wardens and environmental community officers;
  2. brought back the “grotbusters” post
  3. introduced a ban on drinking in the streets for Central St Leonards;
  4. more street lighting;
  5. a gate on Clarence Road to put a stop to illegal activities;
  6. ensured that there was extra street cleaning, removal of fly-tipping and cut backs of vegetation where it was getting in the way of pedestrians;
  7. more dog bins;
  8. drain cleaning for the ward;
  9. lots of small road repairs potholes and loose surfacing;
  10. worked with the police and residents to improve community safety.


  1. made the council realise that a “one size fits all” approach to parking in Central St Leonards simply would not work;
  2. better parking for Warriors Square;
  3. ensured that there would be no parking charges in King’s Road.


  1. renovation work for Christchrch (Renaissance House and Magnet Centre) Warrior Square, Marine Court and Marina Colonnade;
  2. made sure that the extension to the Museum and Art Gallery was built;
  3. made improvements to parks and gardens in our area;
  4. served enforcement notice on owners of Marine Court to make their repaint and renew the exterior;
  5. legal protection for Summerfield Woods to make sure it was not built on.

I have been telling council staff they need to consider the views of residents who want to see Summerfield Walled Garden back in use. I also supported the renovation of Summerfield’s Ice House.


  1. regular surgeries with residents to hear their concerns and offer advice;
  2. member of the Gensing and Central St Leonards Community Forum;
  3. made sure residents were in the loop when it comes to regeneration plans;
  4. helped residents object to planning applications;
  5. helped in obtaining funding for playgroups, playgrounds and the Whiterock skateboard/BMX park;
  6. supported the public arts project in Southwater Road at the front of Warrior Square station, currently still in progress;
  7. supported renovation of many of the flats in Central St Leonards and Southwater Road;
  8. supported new GP surgery and sheltered housing at Marlborough House.
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Where the money goes…

Hastings town centre in 2005
Hastings is our town. Image via Wikipedia

Did you know most of your council tax ends up in Lewes? How about the fact that the Tory controlled council spends more per head on young people in Wadhurst then in Hastings? Unlike the Conservatives and with the aid of our MP Michael Foster, we have been promoting the interests of local residents. We need a strong voice in the county council who make important decisions about education, social services and transport. We have repeatedly challenged the county on

  • poor quality secondary schools;
  • libraries;
  • roads;
  • transport.

It is only only a Labour government that we have seen money for childrens’ centres coming in Hastings and St Leonards!

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No power to the people

Harveys Brewery on the banks of the River Ouse...
Lead by Lewes, I don’t think so!  Image via Wikipedia

One of my concerns at the moment is the possible move of local democracy from Hastings borough council to the county council at Lewes. This is something the Tories have talked about in the name of saving money with absolutely no thought about what impact it might have on local people who will effectively no longer have a say at local level. Local demoracy works best when it really is local!

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Representing your views!

Hasting and St Leonards is a vibrant place to live and work, full of colour and character and I would not want to live anywhere else it was this fondness for the area that prompted my decision to become a councillor, a position that if I am re-elected I will continue to do to the best of my ability.

I’ve started this blog so that people, interested in what myself and the other Labour councillors are doing, can stay up to date but also because I want to hear what you have to say about Hastings and St Leonards. If you have a suggestion to improve it or something you feel needs sorting comment here or contact me. We really do want to hear from you!

Local Labour councillors continue to work hard to represent your views. Here’s just a few of the things we have done. Click here for the campaign map

  • helped to ensure that a new library comes to Hastings 2011/2012;
  • worked with the police and our street wardens to make the area safer and cleaner; tackled dog fouling and rubbish;
  • supported the Sure Start initiative.

Myself and my colleagues will continue to the views of local people – all year round and not just at election time. We know there is always more than we can do and we would like you to tell us what you think needs doing. Contact us.

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