Councillor Trevor Webb's Blog

Posts tagged ‘Labour Party’

Labour’s stunning victory in council elections

..coalition government..

..coalition government.. (Photo credit: oudodou)

As many of you can appreciate, we are all smiles (if a little tired) 🙂 after the council elections last night. We won no less than six additional seats which is a stunning tribute to the tireless energies of all those involved.

The council’s composition is now Labour 23, Conservatives 9.

I just wanted to take a moment in my blog to offer a word of thanks to everyone who contributed in whatever way this stunning result. Thank you everyone who knocked on doors, took numbers at the polling stations or stuffed leaflets through doors. It may seem trite but without you I am confident we would not have won!

My condolences to the Conservatives who lost five seats including their group leader Matthew Lock and deputy leader Matthew Beaver, but surely this is an indicator of the country’s reaction to the current coalition government?

As for the Liberal Democrats they lost their only seat and now have no councillors in the council.

A warm welcome to our new councillors and I look forward to working with them in the coming months.

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