Councillor Trevor Webb's Blog

Posts tagged ‘Tories’

Four tax U turns in a month

Ran across this brief post from  Rachel Reeves MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.  In a time which has actually seen the government u turn on pasties in the shop, her comments very much echo my own. See what you think?
“This series of U-turns shows what a mess this government is in. The last few weeks alone have seen charities, churches, pasty makers, caravan builders and now the skips and construction trade facing unnecessary worry and confusion with jobs put at risk.

“With four tax u-turns in a week when Parliament is not sitting George Osborne is clearly in a complete mess.  The country needs a full-time Chancellor 100 per cent focused on getting us out of the double-dip recession caused by his mistakes.

“Construction has been hard hit and this muddle at a time when we are in a recession demonstrates a damning recklessness with jobs at the worst possible time.

“And worse, there is still no sign of a rethink on the biggest mistake in the Budget – the tax cut for millionaires while millions of pensioners and families are asked to pay more.”