Councillor Trevor Webb's Blog

Posts tagged ‘Tory’

Elections in two days

Council of Europe's definition of Europe
Image via Wikipedia

In two days time Britain faces a stark choice…Labour’s plans to grow our way out of a recession or Tory cuts at the worst possible time.

There is also a risk the BNP will grab a seat in Europe. They don’t have the answers to any of the challenges we face. Despite their claims – they actually stand against everything that makes our country great.

The Labour Party will be producing extra, last minute leaflets and posters to stop the BNP but only with your help – and we only have until midnight.  Donating £15 now lets us print an extra 1,000 leaflets.

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Where the money goes…

Hastings town centre in 2005
Hastings is our town. Image via Wikipedia

Did you know most of your council tax ends up in Lewes? How about the fact that the Tory controlled council spends more per head on young people in Wadhurst then in Hastings? Unlike the Conservatives and with the aid of our MP Michael Foster, we have been promoting the interests of local residents. We need a strong voice in the county council who make important decisions about education, social services and transport. We have repeatedly challenged the county on

  • poor quality secondary schools;
  • libraries;
  • roads;
  • transport.

It is only only a Labour government that we have seen money for childrens’ centres coming in Hastings and St Leonards!

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No power to the people

Harveys Brewery on the banks of the River Ouse...
Lead by Lewes, I don’t think so!  Image via Wikipedia

One of my concerns at the moment is the possible move of local democracy from Hastings borough council to the county council at Lewes. This is something the Tories have talked about in the name of saving money with absolutely no thought about what impact it might have on local people who will effectively no longer have a say at local level. Local demoracy works best when it really is local!

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